Friday, 2 January 2009

Happy New Year 2009!!

Hope you are still enjoying a great Christmas! (As there are twelve days of Christmas what what!)

I had a whale of a time really enjoyed myself.
Played so many games! One game my sister and I got was a game called CUP STACKING! Sounds crazy simple doesn't it - but it's a game of speed, concentration and nimbleness!

My nephew uploaded a video of my sister and I having our nth shot at it! I'm on the right of the screen, doing quite well I must add.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Two images for Christmas Cards that I made. Haven't scanned/photographed the rest yet.
'Heddwch' is Peace in Welsh. (and that may or may not be a dove)

Monday, 15 December 2008

It's time to get into the Christmas spirit - I can't believe it's less than two weeks away! Yikes I really need to crack on with making my gifts!

Some Etsy inspiration.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

I've been having a giggle reading

"HEL LOOKS is selected street fashion from Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The pictures are taken in the streets and clubs of Helsinki from July 2005 onwards."

I had no idea that the Fins had such crazy/incredible fashion! It's refreshing - wonder if these were posed photographs, or just spotted in the street at random. I'm guessing the latter.
I'm bemused - and impressed : D

(note - the pics above are the tamest I found, the rest are a little more eye-brow raising).

Monday, 8 December 2008

This is what I see. That's why I'm not taking my driving test! ; )

Sunday, 7 December 2008

sweet song, sweeter video.

Oh I have to admit - I do enjoy watching Lipstick Jungle.
Now that I'm a business woman I must watch things related to business women, you understand...

I do like it though. The last episode was really well made - they filmed loads of shots of random NYC scenes. T'was like an American holiday, without leaving my seat.
This is what I did on a Saturday evening:

I did the Autocue for a live rugby programme : ) It's one of the things I learnt in the TV company where I worked, and it looks like when you're freelance, autocue isn't a bad thing to do!
I'm hoping I can do it next Saturday too, lol. I never enjoyed it when they asked me to do it in my job, but now that I'm in charge, I say - I do it.
Today I've been working on my website -
so far I just have a holding page - but hopefully it will be live before Christmas.

It's quite tricky to put everything in its place - but I'm sure I'll get there.

It's a beautiful sunny but frosty day today. I'm going to dig in the polytunnel now, and then go to a party in an old Abbey : )
Been reading the blog - Ringo, have a banana!
I like that is has fruit in the name, but more than that, I love this girl's photography!
I want that camera! (as well as my own camera to be fixed). Asking much?

Saturday, 6 December 2008

voices in the forest - beautiful

Tiger Mountain Peasant Song - First Aid Kit / Fleet Foxes

Friday, 5 December 2008

I've been enjoying perusing the inspiring blog of Annie et Carlotta

tres belle.

too cute

So cute I want to squeal! (which I do)

Bob's by Kit Lane

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

First Post - woohoo! : )

I've been in business for three days now - and I'm loving it!

I left my job last Friday - which was scary and exciting.. Now I have the time to concentrate on my art, my writing, my life.

This will be the place where I post my inspiration, my works in progress, and current, ongoing projects.
